Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Being pregnant is hard!

If there is anyone out there that thinks being pregnant is easy, they obviously have never been pregnant. Men will never truly understand pregnancy and what it does to your body, they may be sympathetic to you, if you are lucky, but they will never understand. Nor will a women who hasn't experienced it. Being able to create life, and nurture that life inside you is, for lack of a better word, amazing. It is one of the coolest feelings, and it is a blessing. The way I feel when my daughter moves in "my belly" is something I don't think I could ever accurately put into words. That being said, and as wonderful as it is, its still hard. Maybe not for every woman, I understand that, so please know this is just my personal feelings and experience. From week 6 to about week 13 I was nauseous ALL day long...and so tired that I'd feel like I slept an hour at night, take a nap in my car on my lunch break, and still fall asleep on the couch at 7pm. The gym was not an option at all, and for someone that went 4-5 times every week, that was hard. Weeks 13-28 were all about being amazed that I started showing and feeling the baby kick and move, and that was the best. That was the "fun" part of pregnancy I had heard people talk about. The past 4 weeks, though, I feel "done" with pregnancy. My feet hurt constantly, my back hurts, I can't sleep comfortably, I have to pee every 25 minutes, and Im so stiff in the morning that I feel like im 90 years old. And then there is the weight gain. I know this comes with the territory, i do, but for me, this is the hardest part. I want to lose this 35lbs NOW! I want to put on my size 4 jeans (that have a button and zipper and not a "secret fit belly"). On top of that, Im am totally and utterly PETRIFIED of giving birth. I am. I want to meet my daughter and see how beautiful she is, and kiss her, and stare at her for hours. I just wish there was an easier way to get her.

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