Saturday, March 26, 2011

So, he is gone again. Now I'm in for the loooooong stretch...can you even imagine not seeing your husband/wife for 7.5 months straight? I cant, and its happening to me right now. The worst was when he first left (it didn't help that he left me from the hospital where I was with our brand new baby), but this time was hard because that was it....last visit, last time we see each other until this is over. I know I have to take it a day at a time. I know I have to focus on our daughter. I know I have to think positive thoughts, and I know I should stay busy. I know. But, I've always been better at giving advice than taking it (because I don't usually need it). :) I found this great quote today though, that made me feel just a tiny bit better. "Know that you too are a soldier of sorts. Take pride in knowing that very few women are woven from the kind of cloth that shrouds you. You were made strong when you were made for him." It was on the blog of a fellow army wife, and I really like it. I honestly don't think that everyone could handle this (though I do know a few military wives out there that have). I honestly don't know how I am. I guess thats the best way to describe it, really. I'm handling it. Beats the alternative I guess.

1 comment:

  1. "Sometimes life is hard, but it beats the alternative". - David Leander Wood
